Friday, 24 November 2017

Zetaclear Directions

Zetaclear Directions, How Zeta Clear Is To Be Used

Zetaclear Directions, How To Apply Zeta Clear
Apply a small amount of Zetaclear Nail solution to the center of the nail, spread gel around the nail with the applicator tip. Apply additional gel under the tip of the nail if possible, then immediately cover nail with a waterproof or regular bandaid. Don't remove the bandaid until you next bathe or shower. After bathing, dry nail well, reapply the gel and a new bandaid and continue this process, rather than the twice-daily applications and no bandaid. The bandaid will keep the gel moist on the nail around the clock permitting faster results.

Be careful that the bandaid doesn't move or slide around the toe. If this occurs, replace with a new bandaid after applying more gel.

Be sure to scrape out any softened keratin debris every other day from under the thickened part of your nail and gently sand the flat surface of your nail with an emery board once or twice a week.
Click here to claim your free Zetaclear bottle

Look for improvement in your nail's appearance in about 4 weeks. Nails will look better as the keratin debris is broken down and softened by the gel.

Zetaclear is totally natural and homeopathic remedy which promises to completely rid your nails of their unwelcome visitor. After 6 months your nails will be restored to their former glory and in fact be a lot healthier.The best part of this product is that it contains only homeopathic ingredients including proven natural antifungal properties; no side effects are known to occur after using this treatment and you don't even need a prescription to acquire Zetaclear.

As Zetaclear is registered with the FDA as a homeopathic remedy, it's way ahead in the race as more and more of us are turning our backs on chemicals in favour of natural treatments. As this is an infection that we are even embarrassed to show our doctor, you can see why Zetaclear is so popular. Whether your infection is severe or relatively mild, this product will completely eradicate the problem.

Carry on the treatment for at least 6 months to ensure that the infection has gone completely. It is also the only treatment of this kind that you can continue to use after the Fungus has been killed to ensure that there is no reoccurrence and to keep your nails healthy.

How Zetaclear Works
How Zetaclear Works

Zeta Clear Review Video

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